Food Porn is defined by the oxford dictionaries as

A glamourized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs cooking shows or other visual media.

So am I addicted to it?

I am the furthest thing from a foodie on the planet. For the most part I hate pictures of food, especially ones that contain meat. I think it always looks really gross. I eat meat and definitely love food and eating, but the visual is what gets me. Unless it is a video preparing the food, then I love it. So I guess as long as it is in video form, I am ok with it?

This whole process came to me one day as I was watching one of those super quick recipe videos on Facebook. You know the kind where the camera is propped above the dish and you watch them whip everything together, and then "bing" the dish is done and looks amazing!

I have never been someone who likes to cook, but thanks to these crazy little videos I have branched out a little more and actually made some tasty stuff. Maybe this is my inner Chef trying to get out and let me know that my grown butt needs to get in the kitchen and whip up some deliciousness.

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