Because things that are adaptations of other things tend to sell pretty well (see: the current reboot storm we’re in the middle of, or any TV show based on a movie, or any movie based on a musical or book or comic) studios are once again looking at classic literature to adapt to film. Today’s latest news comes from Disney, which is planning a Don Quixote movie, based on that giant classic work of literature you probably read an abridged version of in your Spanish class.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Billy Ray, who worked on Captain Phillips and The Hunger Games, is penning the script, adapted from Miguel de Cervantes’ 1607 book about a lowly aristocrat who reads a few too many books about knights and goes kinda nuts and believes he is one, embarking on a knightly quest across the countryside to meet lords (innkeepers) and save maidens (peasant girls) from giants (windmills). He brings along his neighbor Sancho Panza as his squire, who employs a distinct dry, humorous tone in dealing with his master’s whimsical notions. The novel is one of the great works of European canon, and is seen as somewhere between a comedy and tragic social commentary. Disney is apparently looking to give their adaptation a more rollicking Pirates of the Caribbean feel, which is an exciting tone that works with audiences, but would it work with this movie?

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Wait, isn’t there already a Don Quixote movie being made?” you’re right! Terry Gilliam has been working on his passion project, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, for years, and it was recently delayed yet again last week. The film currently stars Adam Driver, Michael Palin, and Olga Kurlyenko, but every time it gets off the ground, production is stalled again. Gilliam’s Quixote has been delayed so many times that all it needs is one of those websites called something like and when you hit enter after typing in the address the webpage that comes up is just a giant “YES.” In a way, it’s a lot like its source material: a man trying his best to do his part for the world, but he just can’t get it right.

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