Have you seen those New Captain Underwear ads with that shirtless stud staring at you with flexed abs? Well, that shirtless stud is the Brazilian model Erasmo Viana from Closer Model Management.

Not very much is known about this relatively new male model, but one thing is for sure, we’d buy whatever this guys is selling. Viana even makes that long, droopy underwear known as long johns look sexy. That’s as much as we need to know.

Erasmo Viana


Erasmo Viana


Erasmo Viana

Wanna see more of Erasmo Viana? Come back next week and vote for him to become the Hunk of the Week. We’ll throw together a gallery of photos and shirtless shots of the winner for you to enjoy. Plus, if Viana gets the most votes, he’ll move on to compete for Hunk of the Month.

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