Not to be morbid, but unfortunately living in this area this is a fairly common occurrence of a deer or other wildlife being hit by a car in a residential area.

First let me clarify, I do not make it a habit of taking pictures of dead animals, I got as close as I could stand since I felt so bad for this deer. I live in this neighborhood and had driven by this many times in the last few days and I became concerned as time went on because this is a health hazard and also a very busy road in Duluth.

I decided to do a little research on who I could contact to let them know of the deer and it's location. As far as some of the research I found, if you hit a deer you should call 911 and the officer on the scene will contact the proper person to retain the animal. But, in my case of seeing one on the side of the road, I found that this was a great way to alert the proper channels.

I went to the City of Duluth website and from the home page Click on City Departments, then Click Streets under departments. Once you are on that page you can scroll down and enter your information in a text box along with your e-mail. I received an e-mail back within 2 hours thanking me for reporting this and was assured the people in that department would be notified and would take care of it.

So, hopefully if you are put in this situation you will take the time to alert somebody, so these poor animals are not just left on the road.


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