Back in the day I was all about going out on New Years Eve and whooping it up, but time has caught up with me and I am passing off the torch to the younger set.

With age comes life experience and I have plenty of New Years Eve Celebrations under my belt to help pass on some wisdom to you. Now keep in mind they do not call New Years Eve "Amateur Night " for nothing. Like other big party days Halloween, St. Patricks Day some people tend to lose their minds. Now I am not trying to be all Mom on everyone, just take some of these tips to heart and you will have a good chance of having a great time with out some major consequences.

  1. Repeat to Yourself I am an adult: The drinking age across the U.S. is 21+ so by the time you hit this age you should be able to handle yourself with alcohol. Of course this is not always the case for many including some that are much older than that. Keep yourself in check, yes have fun but don't be the obnoxious person that is getting dirty looks all night.
  2. Have a Game Plan: This is very important for the fact that every bar in town on both sides of the bridge want you to party at their establishment, so have a plan. Where are you going to first, where do you want to end up at midnight etc. If you have huddled up before the booze starts flowing, less chance of conflict later in the night.
  3. Set up a Designated Driver: This is the most important Tip of them all. If it is not someone in your group, have a person to call to pick you up, party bus or cab. Remember this is one of the busiest nights of the year for cab companies, so be smart when you call for one, if you wait until bar close you will be waiting out in the cold for a long time.
  4. Tip Well- Being a bartender or waitress is a really tough job, and on nights like this their patience is truly tested. Be respectful and If you get good service let them know it.
  5. Look out for Each Other: Whether this is watching their drink when they go to the bathroom or dance floor or If you are all leaving for another bar, do a head count and make sure everyone is accounted for.
  6. Make sure your friend gets inside their home or apartment:  Make sure you actually see them go inside their home or apartment building. We have all heard of to many tragic stories of people passing out in the cold. If need be walk them into their house and make sure they are good to go.

Here is to 2017, Thank you to all of our awesome listeners and Happy New Year from Mix 108!


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