
Creepy Guy Asks Girls That Go on Dates With Him to Complete Post-Date Survey [IMAGES]
Creepy Guy Asks Girls That Go on Dates With Him to Complete Post-Date Survey [IMAGES]
Creepy Guy Asks Girls That Go on Dates With Him to Complete Post-Date Survey [IMAGES]
As a guy, I can admit it is hard to read what a woman is thinking from time to time. It's one of those fun little mysteries that surround the dynamic between men and women. Figuring out whether someone is interested in you after a first date can be equally tricky, so one Philadelphia man decided to go directly for the answers. Jeanne and I talked about this guy in today's (May 17) Idiots in the Ne
13 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Getting a Mother’s Day Gift
13 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Getting a Mother’s Day Gift
13 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Getting a Mother’s Day Gift
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. That means if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start figuring out how you’re gonna win your mom’s affection, or if you’re the mother, how you’re gonna guilt your children into showing them how much they care about you. Some mommies, however, won’t be getting a gift or brunch in bed and not because their kids forgot that it’s Mother’s Day. Read
How Not To Pull Up To A Gas Pump
How Not To Pull Up To A Gas Pump
How Not To Pull Up To A Gas Pump
This surveillance camera footage shows someone who clearly has no idea how to drive. Considering it took place in South Florida, we can only assume that this is an elderly person who can barely see above the steering wheel.