
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
iPotty Lets Pottytraining Toddlers Use the Bathroom Like Grownups
Pottytraining can be frustrating, not to mention time consuming, cutting into precious minutes a toddler could be spending watching Dora the Explorer, but not anymore! Meet the iPotty, a training toilet with a built-in holder for an iPad so your toddler can use the restroom just like a grownup -- while playing Angry Birds and watching Netflix.
Awesome Dad Builds Spaceship for Son
Awesome Dad Builds Spaceship for Son
Awesome Dad Builds Spaceship for Son
This guy's Dad Level = Outer space. With some donated old electronics and a master control board found in a TV station's dumpster, he built his son a spaceship. Then Redditor JeremiahGordon shared his results with the world. We must admit, we're pretty impressed. Take a look!
Naps Just Got Weird Thanks to Ostrich Pillow
Naps Just Got Weird Thanks to Ostrich Pillow
Naps Just Got Weird Thanks to Ostrich Pillow
Sometimes we just want to conk out in the middle of the day. You know what we’re talking about -- that 5-Hour Energy jerk made a fortune talking about it. You so desperately want to take a cat nap, but your so-called "job" doesn't provide you with a bed OR a pillow. Good news -- Ostrich Pillow's got ya covered.
Breaking News–Working Moms Spend Less Time With Kids
Breaking News–Working Moms Spend Less Time With Kids
Breaking News–Working Moms Spend Less Time With Kids
Newsflash from researchers at Cornell University College of Human Ecology's Institute for Health Economics, Health Behaviors and Disparities and the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics! Apparently working moms spend less time daily on kids' diet and exercise.  I'm sure it was a totally legit study, but COME ON!  I didn't go to Cornell and I could have told you the same thing.
What Your Child’s Name Says About You
What Your Child’s Name Says About You
What Your Child’s Name Says About You
Naming your child can be a pretty daunting task.  Sure, it sounds fun.  But when you get down to it, the realization that your kid will have this name for the rest of his or her life sets in and you may go into panic mode.  Chances are, at one point or another, you MAY regret what you name your child.  I know I've had those days, you're not alone.
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought I'd take a minute to reflect on the past 11 years and my journey as a mother.  There are countless reasons why I love being a mom, but here are just a few of my favorites.
Think You Can Multitask? Think Again!
Think You Can Multitask? Think Again!
Think You Can Multitask? Think Again!
A new study shows that real multitaskers only make up 2 percent of the population… and they actually have differently structured brains than the other 98 percent. According to an article in the UK's Daily Mail, when doctors scanned the brains the test subjects, the scans showed less activity in the front part of the brain in multitaskers when carrying out several tasks than in monotaskers' brains
Moms Spend One Third of their Lives Bringing Up Children [VIDEO]
Moms Spend One Third of their Lives Bringing Up Children [VIDEO]
Moms Spend One Third of their Lives Bringing Up Children [VIDEO]
Being a parent is hard work.  Some would argue it's the hardest job in the world.  Now comes the news that not only is it hard work, but we spend a third of our lives running after kids! According to researchers, moms can expect to put in around 27,250 hours in their lifetime shopping, cooking and carrying out chores...
Bad Parents or Harmless Fun?  Kid “Beer Bongs” a Capri Sun [VIDEO]
Bad Parents or Harmless Fun? Kid “Beer Bongs” a Capri Sun [VIDEO]
Bad Parents or Harmless Fun? Kid “Beer Bongs” a Capri Sun [VIDEO]
As a parent, I'm a big advocate of "Do as I say, not as I do."  As parents we have to realize that our kids watch our every move (or hear every word we say!) and mimic them from birth until they finally leave the nest. I admit I'm not a perfect mother, but I can't help but think that the "parents" of this poor kid are going to have some serious problems down the line... Read Mo

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