Joanna Barba, AKA Joanna Barbacoa, is the producer for the Buzz Adams Morning Show. She’s known for her laugh, which often leads to competitions of who makes her laugh harder. Joanna also covers entertainment news -- which is convenient because she loves all things entertainment: movies, shows, games, celebrity gossip, and sometimes talking in movie quotes. Joanna owns four cats and embraces being called 'cat lady'. On days when she isn’t tending to her cats, Joanna can be found on the couch binging a series or at the movies watching new releases. Joanna grew up on the Northeast side of El Paso and isn’t afraid to let that side come out every now and then.
Joanna Barba
This OnlyFlans Account Is as Deliciously Naughty as You Would Imagine
This account will tempt you to cheat on your diet.
Ultimate ‘Toy Story’ Airbnb Will Take You to ‘Infinity and Beyond’
If you're looking for a vacation with some Pixar flair, how about this awesome "Toy Story" inspired Airbnb in El Paso, Texas?