Staff Writer

Honest Reporter Is Livid There Are No Black Friday Lines
All those long lines can drive you mad on Black Friday, but you know what can drive you even more bonkers? No lines at all.

Woman Drives 20 Minutes Knowing Ginormous Spider Is In Her Car
This isn't the type of passenger who should get a ride with you.

Dog Howls Just Like a Canine Version of Chewbacca
Is this dog actually a dog?

Stove Top Is Selling Thanksgiving Pants So You Can Be a Gluttonous Pig
Worried about unbuttoning the pants so your stomach won't explode after gobbling up all that turkey this Thanksgiving? Now you don't have to.

These Are 2017’s Best Cities for Halloween
Looking for the best place to maximize your Halloween fun?

This Haunted House Was So Terrifying You Needed to Sign a Waiver to Get In
There's scary. Then, there's this.

Woman Sues Because She Didn’t Get Enough Junior Mints
This woman has had her fill of not having her fill.

Dog With World’s Longest Tongue Is Utterly Wagtastic
This pooch is tongues of fun.

Lightning Strikes 15 Feet From Where Fearless Man Is Recording
They say lightning strikes twice. You just don't expect it to happen this close to you.

Kickball Player’s Whiff Is a Faceful of Dirt-Eating Hilarity
A swing and a miss has never been so painful. Or humiliating. Or painfully humiliating.

Young Lady on Roller Coaster Has Freakout to End All Freakouts
This has to be one of the funniest sounds of summer.

Donald Trump Looked at the Eclipse Without Glasses and the Internet Lost It
We all heard the warnings about not looking at the eclipse. Well, maybe not all of us.