Authorities Warn About the Danger Of Not Cleaning Snow and Ice Off Your Vehicle
According to WTMJ a man and his child were injured in Columbia County Wisconsin when snow and ice broke free from a vehicle in front of them and smashed through their windshield.
Wisconsin state law requires drivers to clean snow and ice off all windows, but there is no specific law for roofs of cars. The fine in Wisconsin is $175 for not cleaning off windows including the back window.
Minnesota Statutes do not have an actual fine imposed, but if caught by law enforcement with snow or ice on your windows you could be charged with a misdemeanor.
I am just as guilty as the next person regarding this, especially early in the morning when I have to get to work and I am running late. This is something to really think about, even a window that is not defrosted properly limits your vision and could cause an accident. Spring may have finally sprung in the Northland, but something to think about when the seasons change again.