I've never played disc golf, but it looks fun. Maybe I'll give it a shot on Superior's new course.

The City of Superior in partnership with the Recreation and Forestry Department and the Lake Superior Disc Golf Community opened a new 18-hole disc golf course located in the Superior Municipal Forest. Parking for the new course can be found just off the intersection of 42nd Street and Billings Drive.

They are breaking in the new course with its first tournament next week, The Lake Superior Open happens July 31st and August 1st from 7:30 AM until 5 PM. The public is invited to watch and there are some volunteer opportunities available, you can get more information here. 

This is Superior's second disc golf course, the other 18-hole course is in Central Park of 6th Ave. East. You can get more information about Superior's disc golf program here.

The Twin Ports area has a handful of disc golf courses, including UMD, College of St. Scholastica, Carlton, and more. Get the full list here. 


Hailey G
Hailey G

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