6 Times That David Blaine Shocked Rappers With His Magic Tricks
Artists tend to appreciate the magic of other disciplines, because they understand the work that goes into making something special. To entertain is a skill and few people understand that better than David Blaine, the world-famous illusionist who's been blowing minds for decades. He's shown off his talent on TV plenty of times, but his moments with rappers are some of his most hilarious.
Most recently, David Blaine put some sleight of hand to use on Travis Scott. The video, which was originally posted on Blaine's Instagram account, starts with Travis and his friends looking at a deck of cards that are spread across a table. Blaine asks one of the crew members to read Travis' driver's license number out loud. As Blaine reaches down to the deck, it becomes clear that he somehow had cards that matched each number flipped over, in the correct order, without knowing the number. Travis goes crazy, yelling out "What!" and deciding to take the deck for himself.
David Blaine also freaked out Drake in 2016, along with a room packed with other celebrities, including NBA superstar Steph Curry and comedy icon Dave Chappelle. After asking Chappelle to draw a picture of a frog, Blaine burped up frogs into champagne glasses. Who knows how he pulled off that trick.
The trick Blaine pulled on Kanye West and Will Smith was even crazier, involving an ice pick, paper bags and cups. Surely this sounds confusing, but seeing David Blaine slam his hand through paper bags and cups that might have the ice pick under it is unnerving. He survives the trick safely, then takes it up another notch by sticking the ice pick through his hand without bleeding. Man, what?
Watch the mini magic shows that David Blaine has performed for rappers in the list below.
Jaden Smith, Kanye West and Will Smith
Snoop Dogg
The Roots
Travis Scott
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