The winter storm that has many throughout the Northland and the region experiencing challenging conditions that have led to road closures, No Travel Advisories, and a series of cancellations has also not been kind to the wildlife in the area.

Take, for example, the eagles that are shown on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources EagleCam. It is presented by the MNDNR's Nongame Wildlife Program, which helps over 700 species of Minnesota wildlife thrive.

It's been a busy month already for the eagles that star on the DNR's EagleCam. On February 15, around 12:30 p.m. the first egg of the 2023 season was spotted in the nest.

Then, on Saturday, February 18 just before noon, the female laid her second egg. Her mate was providing food and trading off incubation duties. The DNR noted that the mate is never far away, keeping a watchful eye over the nest for intruders or predators.

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Of course, this week brought a lot of snow and the eagles had been bringing more nesting materials in preparation. As those watching the EagleCam witnessed all that snow quickly impacted the nest and covered the star the mama, who is really the star of EagleCam.

EagleCam / YouTube
EagleCam / YouTube

However, there is no need to fear, the eagles will be fine and the snow provides insulation for the eggs as they incubate. The DNR says the eggs are now nestled further down in the soft fur, feathers, leaves, and grasses tucked in around them.

You can watch EagleCam 24/7 to check in on them.

Around mid-March, we should be able to see cute, fuzzy-headed chicks in the nest!

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