Spirit Mountain In Duluth Offers Summer Camp Options For Kids
Our kiddo will be a 6th grader next year, and while she is old enough to stay at home by herself for most of the day now, we still prefer she has someplace to go while on summer vacation from school.

In the past, we had her going to the Superior YMCA Summer Camp program, which she seemed to like. They had plenty of outdoor activities all summer long to keep her occupied and actually coming home quite tired somedays, especially when they were swimming.
For whatever reason, this year she didn't want to go there, so we started exploring other options. One nice aspect of our family, is she has plenty of aunties and a grandma who likes hanging with her, and are good about taking her for a week or two at a time. For the other times, instead of just having her hang at home and spend the day on electronics, we found out that Spirit Mountain has a wide variety of summer programs for kiddos of various ages.
They feature camps centered around bicycling but also ones that don't. Activities might include fort building, nature crafts, dodgeball, and even trips to the Spirit Mountain Adventure Park.
Pricing isn't too bad for what you get, and they can be flexible with pick-up and drop-off hours which is nice for parents that work. The full list of events and openings can be found at Spirit Mountain's Summer Camp Registration Page. There are for sure lots of fun options to keep a kid busy instead of staying inside on electronics all summer.