MISSING PERSON: Have You Seen This Man in Minnesota?
Public Asked To Help Find Missing Man in Minnesota
Hey Minnesota, we need your help today. There is a guy who is desperately on the search to find his brother who is missing. He could be anywhere but it was indicated that he could possibly be in Rochester, Minnesota, or in the Minneapolis area. Please, take a look at the description and photos below and help spread the word.
Anybody in the MN, WI, or Midwest area, please share!!
If anybody has seen or heard from my brother Quincy, please let me know!!!
On Sunday I received a strong message that he is no longer with us. I can't explain it, just as most human phenomenon can't be explained.
What I do know is nobody has heard from him since last April or May.
Since then, our grandma has passed. Our grandpa has passed. He has had a birthday. Each time people have reached out with no response. His last contact with his PO was in April. She said he was homeless in Rochester MN.
I have filed a missing person report, and I am hoping we can still find him.
He is about 5'10", 165-175lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes. He has a heart tattoo around his ring finger. Also a lion on his right forearm.
Thank you for sharing! - Correy Hooker
Correy indicated that a missing persons report was filed on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 and the case number is 23-252473.
If you have any information, please get in touch with Correy on Facebook or with local police.