According to Adam Kornowski is a fourth-grader at Lakeside Elementary School in Chisago City, and recently performed John Lennon's "Imagine" at the school talent show. His Mom recorded his performance and it has since gone viral. As of June 1st the video had nearly 10 million views and 250,000 shares. (See Below)

Adams father says he has been playing the piano since he was five years old, as for why he chose this particular song Adam said " It's a song about peace and hope. About no conflicts. It has a lot of meaning, especially what we're going through right now,"

Adams Mom Michelle said there was not a dry eye in the house of any of the parents and he also got a standing ovation.He is sure wise for ten years old and obviously awfully talented. His parents must be so proud of him and I am sure we will be hearing more from this young man in the future.

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