Minnesota’s Most Historic Bridges You Need to SeeMinnesota’s Most Historic Bridges You Need to SeeThese stunning bridges have truly stood the test of time!Samm AdamsSamm Adams
Major Bridge in Minnesota Designed By Same Company That Built Pedestrian Bridge That Collapsed in FloridaMajor Bridge in Minnesota Designed By Same Company That Built Pedestrian Bridge That Collapsed in FloridaThe same company that designed the pedestrian bridge in Florida also designed a major bridge in Minnesota.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
The I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis To Be Lit Up In Rainbow Colors In Honor Of Orlando VictimsThe I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis To Be Lit Up In Rainbow Colors In Honor Of Orlando VictimsGovernor Mark Dayton has directed the Minnesota Department of Transportation to light of the I-35W Bridge in Rainbow Colors to honor victims of the attack in Orlando.Ian RedmondIan Redmond
Local High School Students Compete in Toothpick Bridge Competition [VIDEO]Local High School Students Compete in Toothpick Bridge Competition [VIDEO]Hundreds of students in grades 9-12 competed in an engineering competition sponsored by UMD with bridges they built and designed out of toothpicks.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
New Study Shows That St. Louis County Has the Most Structurally Deficient Bridges in the StateNew Study Shows That St. Louis County Has the Most Structurally Deficient Bridges in the StateAn alarming new study has been released about vehicle bridges in the state of Minnesota, and St. Louis County has the most in need of repair with 102.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan