First off I want to extend a big heartfelt Thank You to all the teachers out there who devote so much time and energy to teach our kids whether it is academics ,music, sports or clubs. You are appreciated very much, if not by the kids all the times, by us the parents.
Yes, it's Monday. But don't let that get you down! Celebrate the day with a great video to get you off to the right start. That is, unless you love Monday and don't need a motivator.
'Tis that time of year that kids of all ages don their nice clothes or school choir gown and sing their hearts out to the sounds of the season. I can't help but think to myself the scene from Charlie Brown Christmas Special every time.
I was an orchestra geek at one point in my life, which is probably why this is one of my favorite covers of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." Aside from the one when all the male models sing without shirts.
I'm obsessed with the PS22 Chorus.
Their teacher is amazing. He is a perfect example of how teaching kids should be done. Not one of these kids looks bored, or looks like they're faking it. Which wasn't the case when I was in elementary school...