
Drunk Driving Incidents Down, Is Bad Economy to “Blame”?
Drunk Driving Incidents Down, Is Bad Economy to “Blame”?
Drunk Driving Incidents Down, Is Bad Economy to “Blame”?
The Centers for Disease Control reports incidents of drunk driving are down 30% in the last five years. In itself, that is fantastic news. Who can complain about safer roads and less deaths due to bad decisions? Researchers, however, feel the need to dive into the cause of this recent and significant drop.
5 Post-St. Patrick’s Day Hangover Remedies
5 Post-St. Patrick’s Day Hangover Remedies
5 Post-St. Patrick’s Day Hangover Remedies
St. Patrick's Day is upon us and you've no doubt got your Irish pub crawl planned. But tomorrow? Step away from the Bloody Mary. The hair of the dog may go down easy, but it won’t cure that hangover. Instead, try these remedies that we swear by—and some (sour pickle juice?!) we’ll pass on: