
Where do Minnesotans Rank?
Where do Minnesotans Rank?
Where do Minnesotans Rank?
No matter where you go in the country, you're bound to run into bad drivers. A new study finds that not all states are equal in the bad driver category. With that said, where do Minnesota and Wisconsin rank?
Ten-Year-Old Takes Mom’s SUV on a Joy Ride [VIDEO]
Ten-Year-Old Takes Mom’s SUV on a Joy Ride [VIDEO]
Ten-Year-Old Takes Mom’s SUV on a Joy Ride [VIDEO]
Ten-year old Zilan Fitch was angry that he had been punished. But instead of trashing his room or refusing to come down for dinner, Zilan retaliated by stealing his mom's SUV and driving it straight into rush hour traffic. Christi Sanders, the boy's mother, spotted Zilan backing out of the driveway and followed him. She reports Zilan was staying in the lanes and even using his turn signal during