
Mean Celebrity Tweets as Read by Celebrities Themselves, Including Katy Perry and Justin Bieber [VIDEO]
Mean Celebrity Tweets as Read by Celebrities Themselves, Including Katy Perry and Justin Bieber [VIDEO]
Mean Celebrity Tweets as Read by Celebrities Themselves, Including Katy Perry and Justin Bieber [VIDEO]
You would really need a thick skin to be a celebrity, now more than ever. Yes the fame, the fortune, but wow some people can be really cruel and Jimmy Kimmel has taken full advantage of that. In this video he had celebrities read back mean tweets and some of the reactions are priceless.
Study Finds Mean People Earn More Money
Study Finds Mean People Earn More Money
Study Finds Mean People Earn More Money
I guess I have to really work on my "ANGER " management, without getting fired of course. SHOW ME THE #*@! MONEY! The phrase "Nice guys finish last" appears to be the case in who gets paid the most. According to a study by several researches, "agreeable" workers make significantly lower than their less agreeable counterparts, with the gap being wider among men. Read M