minnesota law

The 5 Most Common Crimes Committed in Minnesota Right Now
The 5 Most Common Crimes Committed in Minnesota Right Now
The 5 Most Common Crimes Committed in Minnesota Right Now
Minnesota is one of the safest states in the U.S, but no place is completely safe, and some areas are definitely more dangerous than others. This article provides a rundown of the most common laws people break in Minnesota and the five most dangerous cities in the state.
Remove This from Your Yard Soon or Risk Breaking Minnesota Law
Remove This from Your Yard Soon or Risk Breaking Minnesota Law
Remove This from Your Yard Soon or Risk Breaking Minnesota Law
It’s November in Minnesota, which means we’re all busy wrapping up outdoor chores before the snow arrives. There are decorations to take down, new ones to put up, leaves to rake, and patio furniture to stow away. But there’s one thing that’s still hanging around in a lot of yards and Minnesota law prohibits it from being there much longer.