mothers day

Mother's Day Ideas
Mother's Day Ideas
Mother's Day Ideas
Mother's Day is coming up and to make it the best day yet, get the kids involved to make it an even more special day. Here's a list of 5 things to help.
‘Mother’s Day’ Review: Garry Marshall Will Not Rest Until He’s Ruined Every Holiday
‘Mother’s Day’ Review: Garry Marshall Will Not Rest Until He’s Ruined Every Holiday
‘Mother’s Day’ Review: Garry Marshall Will Not Rest Until He’s Ruined Every Holiday
There’s no silence quieter than the one in a movie theater during an bad comedy. At times during Mother’s Day, director Garry Marshall’s newest debasement of a beloved holiday, a hush fell over the theater to rival the quietude at a Benedictine monastery. When the laughter finally came, it’s always at the movie’s expense. This disaster is less deliberately funny than the last movie titled Mother’s Day, and that was a violent horror film.
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Mom
With Mother's Day just around the corner, I thought I'd take a minute to reflect on the past 11 years and my journey as a mother.  There are countless reasons why I love being a mom, but here are just a few of my favorites.
What’s the Real Story Behind the History of Mother’s Day?
What’s the Real Story Behind the History of Mother’s Day?
What’s the Real Story Behind the History of Mother’s Day?
There seems to be a holiday for every member of the family these days, but none is probably more important than Mother’s Day. What daughter or son would dare forget the woman who gave birth to them? With that in mind, here are a few historical tidbits about the origins of Mother’s Day.

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