
South End Days
3rd Annual South End Days will be held Friday, July 21st and Saturday, July 22nd in South Superior South End Days was created in 2015 by a small committee with a vision of providing...
Neighborhood Theme Songs
Neighborhood Theme Songs
Neighborhood Theme Songs
Have you ever thought about neighborhoods having theme songs? I grew up in Duluth and every neighborhood is different. I decided to come up with theme songs for some of the bigger neighborhoods in the area.
Where is the Line?
Where is the Line?
Where is the Line?
Most people who aren't from the west part of town consider it all to be West Duluth, well that isn't the case. So where is the line then?
Hermantown Harvest Fest
Hermantown Harvest Fest
Hermantown Harvest Fest
Join us for the annual Hermantown Harvest Fest!  Greet your neighbors, browse vendor booths, and participate in the...