
Preserve Your Pumpkin
Preserve Your Pumpkin
Preserve Your Pumpkin
Halloween is here, and with it comes the fun of carving pumpkins! Make your carving project easier, help your Jack-o-Lantern last longer, and impress your friends with these awesome tips.
5 Fun Ways to Reuse Your Halloween Pumpkin
5 Fun Ways to Reuse Your Halloween Pumpkin
5 Fun Ways to Reuse Your Halloween Pumpkin
You may have noticed a pumpkin or two around the neighborhood lately. Okay, maybe more than two. They're everywhere. This means you’ve probably fallen victim to at least a little bit of the hype and purchased some Halloween pumpkins. But what do you do with them in just a few days, when Halloween is in the rearview mirror?
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
Theft charges serious enough to warrant a jury trial typically involve stolen goods that are pretty expensive (just ask Lindsay Lohan about that). But you don’t have to steal high-dollar stuff to get in that kind of trouble — in fact, a New Mexico college student is about to go on trial for allegedly forgetting to pay for a $2 pumpkin.
Tips to Help Your Pumpkin Last Longer
Tips to Help Your Pumpkin Last Longer
Tips to Help Your Pumpkin Last Longer
Are you on the fence about carving your jack-o-lantern this early because you're afraid it will rot or dry out by Halloween? Well, here are the tips I talked about this morning on how to make your pumpkin last longer. DISINFECT IT - Wipe it with a solution of 1 cup chlorine bleach to 2 quarts water to eliminate mold and bacteria that cause decay...