Ray J's claim to fame is that he hit "it" first, with the "it" being Kim Kardashian and her va-jay-jay. (Or is it va-Ray-J?)
The rapper is capitalizing on the fact that the two of them got famous on the back of their sex tape, her more so than him. We can understand that he feels entitled to some residual riches and that it's his turn to make the cash registers go ka-ching, but
When you have nothing to offer, you make a sex tape.
When you have the name recognition from a sex tape but nothing else to offer, you get a VH1 reality show.
When you finally realize you're completely irrelevant save for the same last name as a B-to-C-list singer, you release a song about your sex tape partner who got you your reality show.
Cue non-entity Ray J's new single, 'I Hit It First,' abo