
The Most Amazing Recipes to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo
The Most Amazing Recipes to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo
The Most Amazing Recipes to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo
Having a Cinco De Mayo Party and need a few ideas for your celebration?  No party is a great party without great food.  But I'll be honest, even if you're not having a party, these recipes can be used year round.  Here are some of my favorite recipes for the best Mexican dishes I've ever had.
Pinterest Project 4: Freezer Crockpot Cooking!
Pinterest Project 4: Freezer Crockpot Cooking!
Pinterest Project 4: Freezer Crockpot Cooking!
The inventor of the crockpot is one of my biggest idols.  Like many working moms (and dads) out there, I often feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do.  Work, clean, organize, craft, diy projects, Facebook, Pinterest, homework help, play with kids, bathe, relax (what's that...
Pinterest: My Latest Addiction
Pinterest: My Latest Addiction
Pinterest: My Latest Addiction
Have you found it difficult to look at an old milk jug or a canning jar the same way you used to?  Do you frequently daydream about having a cocktail party so you can try out your amazing new drink recipes?  Has it crossed your mind that you should call in "sick" and convince your kids they're sick too so you can play hooky and work on fun crafts all day...