This is one of those videos that I think everyone should see, share and talk about, because this Texas high school student is 100% correct when he claims that education is the future of this country and I'll add that giving the kids of America the best education in the world should be our number one priority.
The video features Duncanville High School student Jeff Bliss confronting, what appears t
We all know that teachers play a key role in helping our children succeed, and sometimes a simple “thanks” is all a teacher needs to feel valued. That, and chocolate, ibuprofen, and earplugs. But seriously, it's a great reminder to take the time to celebrate teachers and show your appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6th-10th!
A pair of teachers (not pictured) at Roseland Public School in Ontario, Canada, pulled a mean prank on their students. They told the eighth-graders that their end-of-the-year school trip would be to Disney World. The next day, they announced that the trip would merely be to a bowling alley. Ha ha?
A 9-year-old North Carolina boy was suspended from school after saying a teacher was “cute” — a remark the school principal called sexual harassment.
In an interview with PopJustice, Britney Spears was asked about what she would be doing if she wasn't a pop superstar. Spears talks extensively in the interview about how she had envisioned from an early age, even before releasing her first single, living a happy family life and being a good mother for her children. She admits she has managed to accomplish that, but what else would she be doing wi
64-year-old art teacher Sandra Hadsock is making headlines this week after she punched a male student in the face for allegedly calling her vulgar names.