Marvel Announces Its Own Fitness AppMarvel Announces Its Own Fitness AppWill it give you a superheroic physique?Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
‘She-Hulk’ Was Denied the Use of Some Marvel Characters‘She-Hulk’ Was Denied the Use of Some Marvel CharactersSorry, She-Hulk.Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
Bruce Banner Shares A Funny Hulk Power With She-HulkBruce Banner Shares A Funny Hulk Power With She-HulkBruce Banner makes a pretty big appearance in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. While there are tons of downsides, there are a couple of positives, too.Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star Smashed By Man in Hulk CostumeDonald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star Smashed By Man in Hulk CostumeHulk smashed, apparently.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Mark Ruffalo Still Wants to Make a ‘Hulk’ MovieMark Ruffalo Still Wants to Make a ‘Hulk’ MovieRuffalo hopes to explore Bruce Banner/The Hulk's hidden life.Claire EptingClaire Epting