While it isn't as bad as the PRISM tracking that made news a few weeks ago, cell phone carriers are tracking your moves and looking to make money off this information. Most of the major carriers have been doing this for some time, and AT&T has plans to join the party. Learn how to stop the tracking and avoid having your information being sold.
Duluth’s Hartley Nature Center announced last week that they received a $15,000 grant from the Verizon Foundation to support Hartley’s science-environmental education for Duluth-area school children as well as pilot the integration of mobile technology into its field classes...
The Superior Police Department is warning citizens and businesses, especially ones who use Verizon. The scam involves very well crafted phishing emails that are trying to get your personal information or download malicious software on to your PC. You can read the full warning and tips on how to protect yourself after the jump.
Have you seen this thing yet? Verizon Wireless has come out with their very own tablet to rival the Pear Pad. (Sorry, I have kids. That's an iCarly reference in case you didn't catch it.) It's everything I want my phone to do...but bigger and MORE! It's the Motorola Xoom. My new best friend.
So after over a year of speculation the iPhone is finally coming to Verizon. For the most part the phone will act ad look the same. And our friends at Gizmodo are here to answers all of your questions like,