The Most Popular Dog Breed In The Twin Cities and the Nation Last Year was the Labrador Retriever
If you own a Lab then you are the proud owner of the most popular breed of dog, not only in the Twin Cities area, but the country as well.
When I was younger and living in Minneapolis fresh out of college I was dumb enough to get a free lab mix puppy and I was not prepared in any way shape or form to have a dog. I had 2 roommates and was never home and this dog was super destructive . It was a hard lesson to learn, but thankfully I found a nice family in the suburbs with a big fenced in yard that could give her the home she deserved. Anybody knows that dogs can be a lot of work and need proper exercise, especially a Lab to stop them from acting out, again lesson learned
I am a huge dog lover and have been my whole life, they truly are the best companion you could ask for. So what are the top 10 breeds in The Twin Cities ?
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepard
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- English Springer Spaniel
- Poodle
- Bulldog
- Siberian Husky
- French Bulldog
- Boxer
I had to laugh at the fact that neither one of our dogs were on the list, I guess toy breeds are not a big a deal in the Metro area. Do you own a dog on this list? Comment below and let me know, if not, what type of dog do you have?
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