We had a real treat in the studio the other day.

Katie Dague and Tracy Doughty-Rosas, co-owners and operators of Individual Nutrition, dropped off some of their fresh prepared meals for us to sample. Each meal is nutritionally balanced based on the plan you choose, fully cooked and ready for you to eat. They're essentially doing the meal planning, shopping and prep for you each week, so you can have healthy options at your fingertips.

Both of these local women became passionate about nutrition through fitness: Katie started boxing in 2007 and grappling in 2013 and Doughty-Rosas trained for her first bodybuilding competition last year. I can't say I have any major aspirations for boxing or bodybuilding, but I know when grocery planning and shopping gets to be a drag or my work schedule gets crazy, planning healthy meals is the first thing to go out the door.

I was eager to see if their prep-work matched the convenience with great taste. I dug right into Orange Turkey with asparagus. It was seasoned just right. The meal was light but very tasty and the ingredients were fresh and high quality. The container it came is was convenient for heating it in the microwave. Check it out:


I couldn't wait to eat more, so I checked out the meal plans they offer. The menus change weekly and the plans are based on your goals and needs. For example, the Lean Plan features 300 to 375 calories per meal with 3 ounces of lean protein, 2 ounces of carbs and (of course) fresh seasonal vegetables. You also can request a custom plan, if none of their packages seem right for you.

Here are some of their other creations:


This is great for parents who hate cooking separate meals for themselves and their kids — the adults could have nutritious meals on hand to warm up for themselves so they can focus on their young picky eaters. And with a cost starting at $7.48 per meal, it's just as affordable as fast food. But a whole lot healthier.

Ready to try it for yourself? My listeners can get 10 percent off their first order with promo code Mix108. Check them out online at 218nutrition.com and on Facebook here.

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