Miley Cyrus plays a hard-partying teen in ‘LOL‘ alongside Demi Moore. While we’ve seen bits and pieces, the official trailers hit the Internet last night (April 10), revealing more plot points than before.


The first clip opens with Cyrus, as Lola, going back to school, kissing her boyfriend and taking photos with pals. In her voice over, Cyrus says, “Every year, it’s weird going back to school, but here we are, just going with the flow, trying to love and laugh out loud.”

Turns out, that cute boyfriend of hers cheated, and it sends Lola — known as “Lol” — into a tailspin. She tries to fight her mom, played by Demi Moore, for treating her like a child and scolding her over grades. She also fights her own feelings for her cute male BFF, who also happens to be buddies with her ex. Awkward!

The video ends with her handsome love interest serenading her at a rock concert.

The second trailer has a lot of similar footage to the first, but approaches a more comedic side than the romantic drama the first one portrayed. More party scenes and a whirlwind trip to Paris are featured in the second trailer, as well as a funny locker room vignette.

They’re both very Miley and very cute!

Watch ‘LOL’ Official Trailer 1

Watch ‘LOL’ Official Trailer 2

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