10 Must Have Apps If You Live In Duluth
We are a technology driven country, so I searched for the best 10 apps you need to have on your phone if you live in Duluth.
- Weather Underground
Weather Underground Weather Underground
Every phone comes pre-loaded with a weather app, but I'm telling you Weather Underground is the way to go. The app gets your exact location to even the current neighborhood you're in. The app also keeps up to date by using tools that gauge temperature, humidity, pressure, rain fall, and wind speed, and direction.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- Food Dudes LLC
Food Dudes LLC Food Dudes
If you like not going anywhere and having food delivered to your door, Food Dudes is the app for you. They partner up with local restaurants, keep up to date menus and does all the work for you.
Download: Google Play Store
- Destination Duluth
Destination Duluth Duluth, MN
Destination Duluth put together an app that keeps you current with everything going on in Duluth. From small events to huge concert announcements, this app has got you covered. What I like most about the app, is they also have every news station, so you know all your news is getting covered at once.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- Leisure Apps LLC
Leisure Apps LLC Minnesota Traffic Cameras
Probably the most useful app during our brutal winter months. Minnesota Traffic Cameras is a live app that shows footage from the 23 cameras MNDOT has in Duluth. You're be able to have a real-time view before you go out on your morning commute.
Download: Google Play Store
- Groundspeak Inc.
Groundspeak Inc. Geocaching®
We live in one of the best outdoor cities in the U.S., so why not have a little fun when your adventuring around in Duluth. Geocaching takes a normal hike and turns it into a fun little treasure hunt. You can message other players for tips and hints, and even participate in geocaching events.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- The App Door
The App Door iFish Minnesota!
iFish Minnesota! is a great app for fisherman and women as it has detailed information on over all of the Lakes, Ponds & Reservoirs throughout Minnesota. You can also get real-time lake reports, weather conditions and the best fishing times for the area. You can also mark your fishing hot spots and learn tips and maybe new techniques along the way.
Download: Google Play Store
- Citizen Observer LLC tip411
Citizen Observer LLC tip411 DPD Tip
Need to submit an anonymous tip to the Duluth Police Department? You now can easily do so with the tips of your fingers. The DPD Tip app also provides a 2 way interaction with officers and you can even provide pictures with your tip.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- PayByPhone Technologies Inc.
PayByPhone Technologies Inc. Pay By Phone
While this mostly applies to Canal Park parking, it's nice to have when you want to go enjoy a beautiful summer day. Pay By Phone a simple, secure, and convenient way to pay for your parking.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- Active Interest Media
Active Interest Media Yonder
Another fun outdoor app, Yonder connects you to the people, places, and experience. Whether you're a backyard explorer or a back country adventurer, the app helps brings excitement to other fun activities.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
- Rega Software LLC and Out There Software LLC
Rega Software LLC and Out There Software LLC Best of Superior Hiking Trail
Have I mentioned we live in the best outdoor city in the U.S.? The Best of Superior Hiking Trail app guides you through hikes that include waterfalls, river gorges, and spectacular overlooks of Lake Superior.
Download: Apple App Store | Google Play Store
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