Twitter is just a social tool I have never gotten into, nor do I have any interest in. Even if my local radio celebrity status took a major leap, I still wouldn't "tweet" so the locals could, for lack of a better term stalk me.

I only have 60 "likes" on my Kramer On MIX 108 Facebook page, so "tweet-ing" isn't in my near future. Even if it was I certainly would "tweet" anything as pointless as this list suggests.

Twitter is a tool for communication. It is also often a means of communication for tools. Look, we all know Twitter has its uses. It’s Facebook for the friendless – all of the status updating, none of the “liking,” “friending” or faux-reconnecting. It’s an unparalleled resource for self-promotion, and it gives celebrities an outlet besides talk shows, nightclubs, and reality TV to publicly humiliate themselves.

But stop it.

You know what we mean. Stop doing those annoying things that make us reconsider the positive side of being an active Twatter.

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