Every day we hear more and more stories about young children getting sick from COVID-19, some even ending up in the hospital who are very sick. With school back in session and students around each other even with masks on unvaccinated kids are at a higher risk to still get COVID-19.

Medical experts all agree that early diagnosis is crucial but prevention is the best option. Dr. James Vaersalovic a pathologist-in-chief at Texas Children’s Hospital said for now the key is wearing masks and following basic safety measures and for medical professionals to make sure parents stay informed to keep their children safe.

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There is now a push to get to get a vaccine authorized for kids ages 5-11 by the end of October. The question is how many parents or guardians will get their kids vaccinated especially if they themselves are not vaccinated. This will be a wait and see. KBJR6 reported from CNN that Dr. Versalovic said:

We’re seeing infections throughout every age group. You don’t want to go through this. You don’t. The virus is affecting “infants and very young children, school-aged children and unvaccinated teenagers.


The FDA has clarified that it is important for parents to realize that children are not small adults and the vaccine doses for older children and adults is not the same for children ages 5-11. When you think about it there is a huge difference between a child that is 5 and one that is 11 as far as height and weight so it will be interesting to see when this is approved if their will be different doses for different ages and sizes of kids. The FDA says clinical trials are underway so we will see if the October deadline comes to fruition.

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