A Group Of Jerks Pulled A Flash Mob Theft At Two Twin Cities Best Buy Stores
Richfield Minnesota-based Best Buy Corporation fell short in trying to protect some of their merchandise this Holiday season. Many of you have probably seen in the news the latest trend of Flash Mobs who are not gathered to dance and have fun but to rob stores in an organized mob who pull up in front of stores blocking traffic and rush a store overwhelming whatever security is in place and grabbing whatever is within their reach.
These mobs move so quickly and there are so many of them that it is virtually impossible for security to stop them or at least most of them. Initially, this was seen in gas stations and now has moved to high-end stores like Louis Vitton and jewelry stores.
According to Bring Me The News last Tuesday Best Buy CEO Corie Barry said the company is considering a number of security measures in response to these flash mob thefts. I am not sure if any extra security has been added at any Best Buy stores around the country, but two Twin Cities Best Buy stores in Burnsville and Maplewood were hit by these Flash Mob thefts on Black Friday evening.

At the Burnsville store, it was an estimated 20-30 people that ran through the store grabbing items while in Maplewood there were around 6 people involved in the thefts. Both groups fled in vehicles outside the store. According to WCCO Police confirmed that no weapons were used at either location and no arrests have been made at this time.
Anytime I have been in a Best Buy store it seems to me that they have a pretty tight security set up, especially for more expensive high-end items like phones and headphones under lock and key. But apparently, these groups still felt they could smash and grab other items which I am pretty sure were some type of electronics. Of course to the average hard-working law-abiding citizens like most of us, this stuff makes me so angry. When this stuff happens of course the price of items goes up and we all pay the price, but these people don't care, that makes too much sense.
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