A Teenager From Duluth has Made It To The Finals In The State Fair Talent Contest
Logan Johnsrud has performed in about 20 musicals in Duluth so this 16 year old has quite a bit of experience with performing even at such a young age. But this year he decided to try something different. He told WDIO "I was just looking for something different, you know?"
Logan performed a song from the musical " She Loves Me." Logan went on to say "I didn't think many people were gonna include aspects of musical theater and moving around, so I thought that could give me a leg up in the competition,"
Logan said the biggest difference in trying out for the State Fair Talent show versus a musical is that you have hundreds of people watching you audition and he kept thinking to himself that is a lot of people. Obviously Logan nailed it because he is in the finals! This was also the first time his mom Delana got to see him audition for something.
The teen category for the competition is now down to Logan and 8 others who will compete in the finals on Sunday September 1st. Good luck Logan, no matter what place you come in, you are a winner for making it this far.