‘Body Worlds Rx’ is Coming to the Science Museum of Minnesota
If you visited the original 'Body Worlds' exhibit when it visited Minnesota in 2006 you know that this new exhibit is a MUST SEE.
'Body Worlds Rx' is a unique exhibit that uses real human bodies and parts that have been preserved in a process called Plastination. More than 100 specimens will be on display, everything from individual organs to full-body plastinates.
The original exhibit was the museum's biggest exhibitions ever, with more than 750,000 people visiting, I was one of those people, and I can tell you that I was blown away by the original exhibit.
'Body Worlds Rx' opens on Friday, October 4th and will run through January 5th, 2020. You can check out the exhibit for the regular exhibit gallery admission price of $19.95 for adults and $14.95 for kids 4-12 and seniors.