BreakTime BreakDown 20May2014 – Michael Buble Gets Tooth Knocked Out During Tour
BreakTime Breakdown takes a look at whats going on around Hollywood and the world.
Here are today’s.
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Sun Block That You Drink
So summer is right around the corner and I thought I would start with a summer type story. There is a new sun screen out now. It works by you drinking it. The new sun block called Harmonized H20 UV claims it can give sun bathers the ability to soak rays for longer without getting burned . It comes in both tanning and non tanning types and costs $30 a bottle apparently after you drink it it makes its way to the water molecules in your skin.
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Michael Buble's Tooth
Michael Buble lost a tooth during his Australian tour on Friday. He was performing in Sydney. Here's the thing though when I first read it I wondered if he got in a fight. He didn't he was actually performing on stage his song 'Haven't Met You Yet' when he accidentally hit his microphone on his tooth knocking it out. A little bit embarrassing.
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Fans Make Petition For Beyonce and Jay-Z
Jay-Z and Beyonce made a short length film and released it a couple days ago. It had a bunch of stars in it like Don Cheadle, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Blake Lively. Well now the fans of the short length film/trailer have created a petition to turn it into a full length movie. The video called "RUN" had the words 'Coming Never' at the end and some fans are not happy and feel it would make a great movie.
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