Brooklyn Park May Be Renamed After Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch
The loss of Beastie Boys member Adam ‘MCA’ Yauch is still being felt by many, and now Adam ‘Adrock’ Horovitz and the locals in Brooklyn, N.Y. are hoping to honor the rapper in a permanent way.
Residents of the borough originally started a Facebook petition to rename Squibb Park for the late star. The park is located in the neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights, and area fans wanted to see it renamed Adam Yauch Park. The petition page says that the space is being renovated to become a skate park and and gateway to Brooklyn Bridge Park.
However, Beastie Boys member Adam Horovitz and wife Kathleen Hanna would rather Squibb Park keep its name and State Street Park be renamed for Yauch, since the rapper used to play there as a child.
“I just wanted to let you know that Adam ‘Ad-Rock’ Horovitz has already begun working with the Parks Commissioner to fix up and rename State Street Park where Yauch actually played as a kid to Adam Yauch Park,” Hanna told Brooklyn Heights Blog. “It would be great to get people behind THIS idea as it won’t hurt the Squibb family….Thanks, Kathleen Hanna.”
Upon hearing this, the Brooklyn Heights community has now shifted its support to the renaming of State Street Park. The focus of the renaming of the public space will be on the park’s basketball courts.
Watch the Beastie Boys ‘Sabotage’ Video