The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is known for friends coming back to their hometowns and heading out to hit the bars. The night, also known as Drinksgiving or Blackout Wednesday, typically sees a 300 to 600% increase in in alcohol sales compared to an average weeknight.

Don't make the same mistake that thousands of Minnesotans have already made in 2024 this holiday season. If you're going to drink, make sure you have a safe ride home at the end of the night.

I cannot for the life of me understand why we keep doing this. Drink, have fun, whatever -- but we need to stop getting behind the wheel. This is not going to end well.

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Minnesota also continues to pace well ahead of the 2023 highway fatality mark, equaling last year's number this week at 402, with a month and a half still left to go in 2024. Speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving are the main causes according to the Minnesota State Patrol.

According to a report by Fox 9 News earlier this fall, 1 in 7 Minnesotans have a DWI on their record, with 40% of those reoffending after their first DWI. (Wait, what?) 1 in 7? I thought that was a typo, but its not.

So far in 2024 in Minnesota there have been 18,508 DWI arrests (through 11/23), with 2,412 alcohol related crashes on Minnesota roads. That number blows my mind. 18,508. We're absolutely going to blow past the 20,000 mark by the end of the year.

Every blue dot on the map below represents on of the state's 18,508 DWIs so far this year, and each gold dot marks on of the 2,412 alcohol related crashes.

Minnesota BCA
Minnesota BCA

Slow down, drop the phone, don't drink and drive. (Because we want to have you around).

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

LOOK: See the Most Famous Musician Born the Same Year As You

Stacker identified musicians born in every year from 1920 to 2003 and determined the most famous born the same year as you.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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