Check This Map to See if the City of Superior Will Plow Your Sidewalk This Winter
The City of Superior took delivery of some new equipment this week that will help them start to plow sidewalks around the city starting this winter.
City of Superior Mayor Jim Paine pointed out in a social media post that decades ago the city not only plowed the streets, but plowed the sidewalks, and starting this winter that service will partly return to the city.
The city will start plowing a limited number of sidewalks, including the city's designated 'Safe Routes to School' routes. You can see a full map of Superior's sidewalk plowing route below. The about 26-miles of sidewalks will be cleared on any snowfall of 2 inches and above, anything below that will be the responsibility of the property owners.
A majority of the sidewalks throughout the city will still need to be cleared by the property owners, so don't assume that this is a citywide service, at this point anyway, Mayor Paine says, "If this program is successful, I hope we can expand our staff and equipment to include more sidewalks but for now, let’s make the trip to school just a bit safer."
The money for the equipment was approved back in April, $175,569 was paid to Prinoth Ltd of Granby, Quebec, Canada, nearly $75,000 under budget. As someone who lives in Superior, I hope this program works great, and it spreads all over the city, my back would approve of this.