City Of Duluth Snow Train Hits East 2nd Street Wednesday
The City of Duluth continues the seemingly endless job of snow removal this week, this time tackling a section of East 2nd Street.
According to their press release:
The City of Duluth Street Maintenance team will be removing accumulated snow on East 2nd Street from 4th Avenue West to 4th Avenue East to ensure the safety and accessibility for pedestrians. Work will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will continue throughout the workday. The City advises the public to be aware of posted signs and adhere to the parking restrictions to prevent ticketing and towing in this area.
If you normally travel on this section of East 2nd Street, you'll want to take an alternate route. The "snow train" means that there are several workers and city vehicles all out on that section of the road working together to get the job done as efficiently as possible.

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