City Of Duluth To Lay Off 49 Full-Time Employees
According to the Duluth News Tribune the city of Duluth has cut more employees from the workforce, this time they laid off 49 full-time employees, including 25 Duluth Public Library technicians effective May 8.
The library technicians that were laid off are from all three Duluth Branches. There primary responsibilities are to assist the general public with checking out and returning renewable resources. The layoffs also included five parking-services agents, four housing inspectors with the Duluth Fire Department, four park maintenance workers and three janitors in the properties, parks and libraries department. And a variety of other positions throughout the city departments. Employees were notified of the layoffs this past Tuesday and Wednesday .
According to the Duluth News Tribune " prior to this latest group of layoffs the city had laid off 45 temporary, largely seasonal employees and enacted a hiring freeze, leaving 18 positions unfilled." The library will start offering curbside pickup on Monday, April 27.

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