Famous YouTuber Adam The Woo Gets Invited To Duluth
Adam The Woo is an YouTube sensation and has been invited to our city by a fellow Duluthian named Joe.
Adam is a daily vlogger who lives out of his van and makes videos about his adventures. One of his things, is Adam likes his viewers to ask him a question. One man made a video of himself asking Adam The Woo the most important question he's probably ever been asked: "When are you coming to Duluth?"
Adam is from Mississippi, so I doubt he doesn't want to come up anytime soon. The Duluthian also went on to say that he's more than welcome to stay with him and his wife and they would even take Adam out to dinner. I'm very interested to see if Adam responds and I'll keep you updated. Below is the video of Joe asking Adam the very important question.
If you're unfamiliar with Adam the Woo, here is his most popular upload of him exploring Dinosaur World.
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