File this Under Bad Ideas: Teen Does Handstand from Second Floor Balcony of Mall of America, and Falls Below
Witnesses reported a 17 year old Minneapolis boy was attempting to do a handstand on a railing on the second floor at the Mall of America when he lost his balance and fell to the floor below.
A representative from the MOA had said it appeared to be horseplay between him and his friends and he had no visible injuries. The teens parents were with him at the mall, but were not near him when the incident occurred, they requested that he be taken to a local hospital as a precaution. Their is no more information on his condition.
Being the parent of 2 teenage boys this is a constant fear that peer pressure or by trying to show off, they will be physically harmed doing something not safe. Of course we cannot keep our kids in a bubble, but can only hope that you have instilled some common sense in them. Thankfully this young man will most likely be o.k., but this could have had a horrible outcome.