Wildly Popular Thanksgiving Pizza Returns To Wisconsin Pizza Place For November
What happens when you combine Thanksgiving with Pizza? That's what a popular pizza place in Wisconsin has been doing every year, and it's so loved that people look forward to it each fall.
The pizza sauce is made from gravy, (not pizza sauce), and then it's topped with stuffing, turkey, and cheese. They add a side of cranberry sauce for you to dip in, and it becomes a Thanksgiving meal all on its own.
Can it be any good? It has to be with all the people raving about it.
Some people have begged to have it on the menu year-round. I think Shamrock gets it right making it more special only offering it around Thanksgiving. Plus, the ingredients aren't really able to be used to make any different types of pizza. I will say the gravy as a sauce is brilliant!
The big question is how long of a nap would you need after eating this pizza? It would put me out!

The pizza is available at Shamrock Bar and Pizza in Superior. It's one of the favorite local pizza places in the area.
They're regular pizza is really good too, and frequently makes the list of best pizzas in town.
Check out the other specialty pizzas that they have year-round too!
The pizza is only available in November, so if you want to try it, you better hurry to Shamrock Pizza at 8525 Tower Avenue in Superior.