Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez give new meaning to the term “power couple.” The duo are the most powerful online celebrities, thanks to the fact that the tally a combined audience of 50 million global search terms per month. That’s fancy webspeak for the fact that people search for them online… a lot. They’re a hot topic, these two.

Actually, they are both raking in tons of views on their own, but when you combine their star power and coupledom, the stats are elevated.

The numbers break down like so, according to the Film Industry Network.

On average, the global search volume for Bieber and Gomez is 50.6 million. The Biebs gets 30.4 million searches per month, while his lady love gets a hair above 20 million. Everything from their fashion choices to their hairstyles to their tours to their MTV VMA noms are searched and discussed online.

Additionally, the couple enjoys a prominence unlike any other duo. We’d think that that Brangelina might be just as searched, if not more, but they aren’t.

Below is the tally of who is most searched. Lady Gaga comes in third, but she ranks above her rival Madonna and the leader of the free world aka President Obama.

Justin Bieber : 30.4 million

Selena Gomez : 20.4 million

Lady Gaga : 16.6 million

Barack Obama : 15.43 million

Michael Jackson : 13.6 million

Eminem : 11.1 million

Madonna: 11.1 million

Angelina Jolie: 5 million

Kristen Stewart: 4.09 million

Brad Pitt: 2.74 million

George Clooney : 1.5 million

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