MnDOT Delays Twin Ports Interchange Project Until 2021
MnDOT gave a surprising update on the Highway 53 Bridge and I-535/Garfield interchange project, or most just call it the "can of worms."
MnDOT said in a press release, "After more in-depth analysis, MnDOT has decided to defer the majority of the I-35 project. Some construction will begin this fall, but the public will not see significant traffic impacts until the spring of 2021."
The change is due to an approximate $100 million funding gap for the project, the project has an estimated price tag of $343 million.
According to MnDOT, "In the fall, northbound traffic will remain on I-35, and southbound traffic will be moved to Lower Michigan Street as planned."
Keep an eye on MnDOT local Facebook page for more information about the project.
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